Dr. Cheryl here. As promised, this spring I’m bringing you some hot new content PLUS some exciting opportunities to work with me directly – starting with a FREE couples workshop on Zoom this Saturday! Which you can register here
In today’s video of this brand new Marriage 911 series I explain
Why an affair hurts both of you – and how to recover, together
Watch it now!
Some of what I cover –
✔️ The short answer? Yes – you can BOTH get over the pain of an affair – over 50% of post affair couples do stay together
✔️ The definition of emotional affairs, sexual affairs, and other trust betrayals
✔️ Ask yourself – In what ways do I betray the trust of my partner – even without an affair
✔️ Some techniques I teach in my 12 – week Become Passion program have really helped couples in Affair Recovery to improve their communication, develop understanding and forgiveness
✔️ The Solution? Get help. After the Affair you both feel alone. You need support – and maybe not from your friends. Because even after a devastating affair, couples can build a new trust and a renewed relationship.
✔️ T & M suffered though a complex sexual affair that deeply harmed them both – and worked hard with me in the Become Passion program to recover, to heal and to build an incredible next phase of their relationship.
SO do you relate to this video? Don’t worry, I’m here to help!
In the next 2 weeks I’m bringing you some special opportunities to work with me for FREE!
✅ Starting with a Free Couples workshop on ZOOM this Saturday April 13th 10-1 Pacific time
No excuses – Let’s join together so I can help you Make Passion a Priority.
Until next time,
Dr. Cheryl
PS. If you know someone that would benefit from my free weekly LoveBytes, please share this email with them so they can register as well.
PPS. Got a relationship question? Email it to [email protected]