Are you stuck in Marriage Incorporated? That’s the number one Passion Killer.
Too many couples are stuck in the details and logistics of running their family…
You know. 2 jobs 2 kids 3 sports teams 1 dance class a big mortgage and a dog that ate too much cheese and just vomited on the floor.
Regular life.
It may be time to remember romance, sensuality, and fun.
When is the last time you blasted the oldies and danced in your kitchen?
Welcome to my Spring Video Series – short, Love Byte sized motivations to help you and your sweetheart uncover the passion under the clouds of Marriage, Inc.
It’s never too late to step out of your business suit and into your lingerie.
So stop treating your love life like a business and remember how to play together.
Watch this video to learn one thing you can do this week to spice things up:
If you have any questions or need love or relationship advice, please comment below and I’ll do my best to answer in an upcoming LoveByte!